20% off all original artwork until Halloween

If you’re interested in buying any of my original artwork, now’s a great time: everything available at Athenaeum Comic Art is 20% off until the end of October! This includes the pricier March pages as well as Sweet Tooth, Black Hammer, Two Dead, Come Again, Any Empire, The Silence of Our Friends, The Year of the Beasts, and Swallow Me Whole.

After that, we’ll be restocking with some new originals, including some art from Run and Save It For Later, some X-Men pieces, Nib illustrations, and more. Stay tuned!

Original artwork for sale!

If you’re interested in original artwork, I have a few dozen pages for sale via Atheneum Comic Art— this includes pages from most of my pre-2020 books. Listings are being updated currently, and there should be a good sampling of Sweet Tooth and Black Hammer pages added in the next few days as well! All pages are signed and dated by the year in which they were drawn.

(To prevent undue shock, please be aware that my March pages are considerably more expensive than my other work. This has always been the case whenever they’ve been available for sale, and I’m not in a hurry to part with them. Thanks for understanding.)

Original artwork for sale

I’ve teamed up with Sean at Athenaeum Comic Art to begin selling some of my original artwork for the first time since 2015— currently available are some pages from Two Dead, Come Again, Black Hammer, March, Sweet Tooth, The Year of the Beasts, The Silence of Our Friends, Any Empire, Swallow Me Whole, and a few one-off and unpublished pieces.

Athenaeum will be publicly launching these art sales in the coming weeks on their site (and please check out the artwork from the fantastic roster of fellow cartoonist friends!). Until then, if you’re interested please contact Sean at the Athenaeum site for inquiries. Thank you!


BH JLA variant cover Nate Powell print size.jpg

Excited to finally share my variant cover to Black Hammer/ Justice League: Hammer Of Justice #3, out in September from DC & Dark Horse!

I’m so grateful to comics bud Jeff Lemire for giving me opportunities to contribute to his many creations over the years.

And this cover was especially significant for me: Dan Mishkin & Gene Colan’s 1982-1983 Wonder Woman run was the very first comic I kept up with monthly, and I’ve waited my whole life to complete the circle, drawing Wonder Woman in an official capacity.

Wonder Woman variant cover by Nate Powell (age 4), 1982.

Wonder Woman variant cover by Nate Powell (age 4), 1982.