"The Long March" mural installation + project with Ben & Jerry's!


I’m proud to announce that Chris Ross, Andrew Aydin, Val De Landro, and I have been collaborating with Ben & Jerry’s on a massive 35-foot mural installation at their corporate HQ, documenting the late, great John Lewis’ path through organized, revolutionary nonviolent resistance— using artwork from the March trilogy. This is intertwined with Ben & Jerry’s voter registration and activism efforts, and they’ve been fantastic to work with.

Tune in Tuesday, September 22nd at 7pm EST for their virtual launch of the exhibition!

Restocking sold-out MARCH slipcase editions

Thanks to everyone for being patient with your March slipcase edition mailorders.

When Congressman Lewis passed away in July, all copies of March sold out— everywhere— within a day.

My home mailorder stash oddly became the ONLY outlet in the country with copies, and those immediately sold out as well. IDW/Top Shelf immediately ordered new printings of the books, but this takes a bit of time. The boxed sets are shipped from Asia, and generally take 6 weeks to receive.

I sent out orders until my stock ran out, and should be receiving more books within the next week or so. I’ll continue re-ordering and shipping until all outstanding orders are taken care of.

Thank you for understanding— and for remembering that you likely ordered copies of March in the immediate wake of Rep. Lewis’ passing, along with one hundred thousand other people. We’re doing the best we can. It’s okay to cancel your order, or email me to have a refund if you’d like.

Thank you again. —Nate



I’m eager and proud to announce my next book, Save It For Later, to be released on April 6th, 2021 by Abrams ComicArts!

Save It For Later is an essay/memoir hybrid covering the intersections between my family’s personal experiences and social/political engagement throughout the 2010s, as mass people’s movements have emerged in resistance against horrifying (but entirely predictable) shifts toward authoritarianism and fascism in the US.

Here’s the book’s cover reveal and announcement from The Hollywood Reporter.

The more personal narratives highlight my parental experiences, as so many millions of us have worked to equip our children, at their respective levels, to handle such a chaotic, foreboding future. Interspersed essays trace the American consumer’s complicity in normalizing a clearly-telegraphed paramilitary fascist presence, with much of white America blinded by intergenerational myths of exceptionalism, security, and by our own privilege. These essays include both “About Face” (my viral comic from early 2019 about paramilitary aesthetic evolution and fragile masculinity) and “Pecking Order” (my new comic in The Nib’s “Power” issue about fascist cosplay and geek subcultures).

This is a book for everyone. It’s neither a parenting guide nor an activist handbook. Save It For Later lays bare feelings and reflections we’ve been gaslit into denying or suppressing in the past five years, reckons with our own delusions of the inevitability of progress, and contains an urgent call to speak truth and stick together if we’re to have any hope of salvaging an eclipsed promise of a shared society.

I look forward to making this book a part of our vital, ongoing conversations and work. Thanks for being there with me— for the People Power.

160-page color hardcover // ISBN: 978-1-4197-4912-4

(I’ll be doing signed pre-orders in partnership with my local shop early in 2021, but for now, you may pre-order it from Abrams, at your local indie bookstore or comics shop, at Barnes & Noble, or on Amazon.)


Interview today on Indiana Public Radio's "ALL IN"

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Today from 1-2pm Eastern time, I’ll be on Indiana Public Radio’s ALL IN program to discuss my graphic novel Come Again (as well as a bit about March, the late, great John Lewis, authoritarianism, fiction, craft, and personal vs. political), which is a finalist for the Indiana Authors Award in the “genre” category.

The winners of the Indiana Authors Awards will be announced September 1st!

Steve Bannon's snake oil in "About Face"

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In light of fascist grifter Steve Bannon’s arrest for (alleged) intentional duping of the pro-fascist base, I’ve been thinking a lot about my last paragraph in the above excerpt from my essay “About Face”, written in late 2018 as the Wall Scam was launched, but also applicable to the regime broadly.

“About Face” will be released in print— stay tuned for a big announcement next Tuesday involving my next book!

New comic in The Nib-- "Pecking Order"


The new issue of The Nib anthology is out now! This one centers around the theme of power, and includes a 7-page comic by me called “Pecking Order”, reflecting on early 2010’s warning signs about misanthropic nerds, pop culture & identity, and how fascist cosplayers were likely just actual fascists in the making.

This issue has an amazing creative lineup, with contributions by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ezra Claytan Daniels, Richie Pope, Thi Bui, Sarah Mirk, Sophie Yanow, Ben Passmore, and tons more! Order (and better yet, subscribe) here.

BONUS: “Pecking Order” was originally roughed out waaaay back in 2013, and was always intended as the second half of the comics essay “Havens Have Not” from my You Don’t Say collection. I encourage everyone to read both comics back-to-back for the full effect!


New book announcement soon!

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Next week I’ll finally be announcing my next book (snippets of which you’ve seen throughout my social media posts since 2018)— stay tuned!

In memory of John Lewis (1940-2020).

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It’s been two weeks and I still can’t find the words to properly pay respects to this wonderful man— rest in peace, John Lewis.

Friend, collaborator, hero.

Thank you endlessly for trusting me to help bring your experiences and work to life through your eyes, and in your voice. The last 9 years have unquestionably been the honor of my lifetime, and I plan to continue the work, both on the page and in the streets. Here’s to the Beloved Community. Here’s to making a future worth living in for all people. Thank you from all of us.

So much more to say.

The day we met face-to-face for the first time— September 2012, just before SPX weekend.

The day we met face-to-face for the first time— September 2012, just before SPX weekend.

Lunch break at Small Press Expo 2013.

Lunch break at Small Press Expo 2013.

Rep. Lewis and my brother Peyton. North Little Rock AR, April 2014.

Rep. Lewis and my brother Peyton. North Little Rock AR, April 2014.

Meeting my daughter in 2015.

Meeting my daughter in 2015.

The moment Rep. Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and I won the National Book Award for March: Book Three. November 2016.

The moment Rep. Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and I won the National Book Award for March: Book Three. November 2016.

Re-upping link to "About Face"

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A quick, perfunctory post amidst this massive uprising against white supremacy, police brutality, and fascism:

There’s been a massive increase in interest in my viral comics essay “About Face” (addressing the relationships between military/paramilitary aesthetic and apolitical consumer goods to normalize fascism and exploit fragile masculinity), so here’s a direct link.

Thanks to everyone at Popula for believing in this essay— and thanks to everyone who’s read it and used it to contribute to our urgent national discussion and struggles! <3

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She-Ra quarantine art!


Here’s some She-Ra art I drew yesterday, after processing the series finale for a few days. Noelle Stevenson and crew made such a wonderful show— it deserves to be a generational touchstone. I aspire to make something so grand yet personal, so deeply human. She-Ra forever.
