SOOPHIE NUN SQUAD musical family tree!
For those interested, I’ve taken it upon myself to translate the musical relationships of my flagship band Soophie Nun Squad into a convenient flow-chart style family tree! (It’s fairly exhaustive, but by no means complete— I had to snip the connections the further out I went, usually stopping at band relationships one step out from direct SNS membership.)
Many of these bands may be explored further here at Harlan Records (a DIY punk record label I operated from 1994-2010).
Bloomington, IN: Bloomington Zine Fest!
I’ll be tabling at the Bloomington Zine Fest on Saturday, October 19th from 12-6pm. The fest will be at the I-Fell Gallery (415 W. 4th St.)— check out more info and exhibitors here!
Now taking direct pre-orders for TWO DEAD, out 11/19/19!
My new graphic novel Two Dead (written by Van Jensen, drawn by me, color by Erin Tobey) will be released on November 19th from Gallery 13— if you’d like a signed/sketched copy directly from me, you may order here!
* Due to our evil, fascist regime backing out of an international postal alliance, international shipping has skyrocketed in the last few years, making foreign orders unrealistic— so I’m only taking direct US mailorders. I’m sorry— yet another reason to get this wicked criminal syndicate out of power.
ISBN 978-1501168956
You may also pre-order from your local comics shop, your local indie bookstore, or Amazon here.
Here’s an exclusive excerpt from Oxford American!
Here’s another excerpt from Paste!
On release day, November 19th, Van and I will be having a discussion/signing in Little Rock, Arkansas, in cooperation with Oxford American’s South Words series. Get tickets here!
October 1st in Nashville, Indiana!
I’ll be doing a talk about my work on the March trilogy, with March: Book One as Brown County’s community-wide reading selection— Tuesday, October 1st at 7pm , at the Brown County library (205 Locust Lane).
Bring your questions! I’ll be doing a signing afterward, with a wide assortment of my books for sale too.
See you there!
CXC in Columbus, Ohio this weekend!
I’ll be a special guest at Cartoon Crossroads Columbus— CXC— next weekend! Admission is free and open to the public. Columbus Metropolitan Library, main branch (96 S. Grant Ave.)
Slangin books at table 51 (Saturday 11am-5pm; Sunday 1-5pm), with a spotlight panel on my work Sunday at 1:30pm in room 3B!
I’ll also be hosting a CXC After Party at Mikey’s Late Night Slice (268 S. 4th) on Saturday from 10pm-1am.
See you there!
CXC After Party in Columbus, Ohio!
If you’re going to CXC in Columbus, Ohio later this month, I’ll be hosting a Saturday night after-party with pizza, dranks, and sweet sweet karaoke— Mikey’s Late Night Slice (268 S. 4th St.) from 10pm-1am.
See you there, and on the convention floor— spread the word!
"ABOUT FACE" is an Ignatz Awards nominee!
I’m thrilled to hear that my Popula essay “About Face” is an Ignatz Awards nominee for Outstanding Online Comic!
If you’re attending SPX in September, you may cast your votes for the Ignatz Awards on Saturday the 14th— winners will be announced at that evening’s Ignatz ceremony.
There’s such outstanding work among the nominees this year. Please check out everyone’s work— I’m so lucky to be able to make comics amidst all this talent and vision.
(theree seems to be a server problem with SPX/Ignatz site, so I’ll update this soon with proper links.)
Evansville Museum Comic Con-- Saturday, August 17
I’ll be a guest at the Evansville Museum Geek & Comic Con on Saturday, August 17th from 11-6! It’ll be at the Evansville Museum of Arts, History, & Science (411 SE Riverside Dr., Evansville, IN 47713). Admission is $12 for adults, $8 for youth, and free for museum members!
Come see me in conversation about my work at 2pm in whatever room or auditorium holds the panels— more info soon!
Naturally I’ll be selling, signing, and sketching in books throughout the day at my table. Come say hi!
Excited to finally share my variant cover to Black Hammer/ Justice League: Hammer Of Justice #3, out in September from DC & Dark Horse!
I’m so grateful to comics bud Jeff Lemire for giving me opportunities to contribute to his many creations over the years.
And this cover was especially significant for me: Dan Mishkin & Gene Colan’s 1982-1983 Wonder Woman run was the very first comic I kept up with monthly, and I’ve waited my whole life to complete the circle, drawing Wonder Woman in an official capacity.
Wonder Woman variant cover by Nate Powell (age 4), 1982.
Original artwork for sale-- to benefit humanitarian & progressive organizations!
I have 20 pages of original artwork up for sale now-- virtually *all* money (minus fees/shipping) will be distributed equally among 8 organizations doing essential humanitarian, legal, voter registration, and progressive work. This is the *only* artwork I'm planning to sell in the foreseeable future.
Groups benefitted are RAICES, Planned Parenthood of KY/IN, ACLU, VoteRiders, National Center for Transgender Equality, American Association for People with Disabilities, Emily's List ,and About Face: Veterans Against the War.
Thank you for helping directly support their efforts! Listings will remain up at least through the end of June, and I'll keep everyone updated with the exact amounts of money raised.
TWO DEAD cover reveal and exclusive excerpt!
Van Jensen and I are thrilled to unveil the cover of our forthcoming graphic novel Two Dead, which will be released on November 19th by Gallery 13! This cover was a collaboration with graphic designer and friend Chris Ross, who’s worked with me on many of my books over the years.
Over at Paste, check out a few words from Van and I about the book, as well as an exclusive excerpt from the book— this is the first time to show snippets of the finished art, with a color treatment by designer/visual artist/musician Erin Tobey! Erin has also done lots of behind-the-scenes production and design work on my comics, but this is the first time to directly collaborate on the finished art itself, and we’re both so happy with how it’s turned out.
Below are some more panel details from the book— stay tuned for more, and please pre-order the book here at your local comics shop, local indie bookstore, directly from me, or Amazon. Thank you!
LOS ANGELES discussion/signing on June 5th!
If you’re in the Los Angeles area, I’ll be doing a discussion, Q&A, and signing on Wednesday, June 5th at A Shop Called Quest (300 Santa Fe Ave., DTLA) from 7-9pm. I hope to see you there!
Here is the FB event listing too.
And as a reminder, my graphic novel Come Again is nominated for two Eisner Awards— Best Graphic Album (New) and Best Writer/Artist. If you’re eligible to vote, please consider my work for the Eisners— thanks so much!
VanCAF next weekend-- signings & panels!
I’ll be in Vancouver for VanCAF next weekend— here is the event description of my signings and panel discussions.
I hope to see you there!
Voting is open for the Eisner Awards!
Voting is officially open for the Eisner Awards! Vote HERE.
For those eligible, please consider my book Come Again for the “Best Graphic Album (New)” and “Best Writer/Artist” categories— thank you for your support!
Here is a 26-page excerpt from Come Again, if you haven’t yet had a chance to check it out.
COME AGAIN is nominated for two Eisner Awards!
It’s a profound honor to find that Come Again is nominated for two Eisner Awards— for Best Graphic Album (New) and Best Writer/Artist!
It means so much to me that this book has resonated powerfully with readers. I feel it’s the best work I’ve ever done, hands-down.
I’m just as honored to be considered alongside so many of this year’s nominees— friends, peers, inspirations. Thank you for helping keep each other going!
Stay tuned for more information about when Eisner Award voting opens— the winners will be announced at Comic Con International in San Diego this July 19th!
To grab copies of Come Again, try your local comic book shop or bookstore, direct from Top Shelf or from me, and there’s always Amazon.
Thanks again for spreading the word— more soon!
Columbus, OH this weekend-- SPACE & a live COME AGAIN reading!
If you’re in the Midwest, come to Columbus, Ohio this weekend for SPACE— the Small Press & Alternative Comics Expo!
I’ll be slangin’ books there all weekend— Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 10am-5pm (Northland Performing Arts Center, 4411 Tamarack), and you can have a sneak peek at my forthcoming book Two Dead, out this November from Gallery 13!
Admission is FREE.
Also, I’ll be doing my first ever live comics reading from my newest graphic novel Come Again— Saturday night starting at 8pm at Kafe Kerouac (2250 N. High).
See you there!
"About Face" interview for The Laura Flanders Show up at Free Speech TV!
Here’s a recent interview I did with The Laura Flanders Show on Free Speech TV about my comics essay “About Face”, which connects the rising normalization of fascist & paramilitary presence with a generation’s worth of civilian consumer style choices.
Thanks so much to Vanessa and Trevor over at Popula for giving this comic a good home!
New events for spring 2019-- Bay Area, Columbus, Vancouver!
Hi everybody! Here’s a list of upcoming events I’ll be doing over the spring:
April 17th: Andrew Aydin and I will do a talk & signing for March as a part of San Mateo’s all-county reading selection— Fox Theatre (2215 Broadway, Redwood City CA).
April 27-28: I’ll be in Columbus, Ohio at SPACE (Northland Performing Arts Center, 4411 Tamarack Blvd). I’ll also be doing my first ever live reading from Come Again on the 27th at Kafe Kerouac, as a part of the SPACE After-Party— please come support all the brave introverts!
May 18-19: I’ll be a special guest at VanCAF in Vancouver, BC (The Roundhouse, 181 Roundhouse Mews), signing at the Pulp Fiction booth and participating in panels as well. Info on signing/panel times TBC!
Here’s a master list of all my upcoming events, with more reliable and up-to-date details.
More info, and maybe an extra event or two, forthcoming— see you there!
"About Face"-- new comics essay at Popula!
I have a new comics essay up at Popula: “About Face”, which breaks down paramilitary influence on military regulation, and how those stylistic changes, crystallized as consumer style preferences, are strong indicators of successful normalization of modern fascist aesthetic and presence in the US.
Punisher skulls. Black and white flags. Beards, hats, and wraparound Oakleys. Totally blacked-out Dodge pickup trucks. This essay also functions as a post-script to my 2011 book Any Empire.
Popula is a great new indie publication, and I encourage you to subscribe and support it here. Thanks!