Columbus, OH this weekend-- SPACE & a live COME AGAIN reading!

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If you’re in the Midwest, come to Columbus, Ohio this weekend for SPACE— the Small Press & Alternative Comics Expo!

I’ll be slangin’ books there all weekend— Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 10am-5pm (Northland Performing Arts Center, 4411 Tamarack), and you can have a sneak peek at my forthcoming book Two Dead, out this November from Gallery 13!

Admission is FREE.

Also, I’ll be doing my first ever live comics reading from my newest graphic novel Come AgainSaturday night starting at 8pm at Kafe Kerouac (2250 N. High).

See you there!

New events for spring 2019-- Bay Area, Columbus, Vancouver!

Hi everybody! Here’s a list of upcoming events I’ll be doing over the spring:

  • April 17th: Andrew Aydin and I will do a talk & signing for March as a part of San Mateo’s all-county reading selection— Fox Theatre (2215 Broadway, Redwood City CA).

  • April 27-28: I’ll be in Columbus, Ohio at SPACE (Northland Performing Arts Center, 4411 Tamarack Blvd). I’ll also be doing my first ever live reading from Come Again on the 27th at Kafe Kerouac, as a part of the SPACE After-Party— please come support all the brave introverts!

  • May 18-19: I’ll be a special guest at VanCAF in Vancouver, BC (The Roundhouse, 181 Roundhouse Mews), signing at the Pulp Fiction booth and participating in panels as well. Info on signing/panel times TBC!

Here’s a master list of all my upcoming events, with more reliable and up-to-date details.

More info, and maybe an extra event or two, forthcoming— see you there!

"About Face"-- new comics essay at Popula!

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I have a new comics essay up at Popula: “About Face”, which breaks down paramilitary influence on military regulation, and how those stylistic changes, crystallized as consumer style preferences, are strong indicators of successful normalization of modern fascist aesthetic and presence in the US.

Punisher skulls. Black and white flags. Beards, hats, and wraparound Oakleys. Totally blacked-out Dodge pickup trucks. This essay also functions as a post-script to my 2011 book Any Empire.

Popula is a great new indie publication, and I encourage you to subscribe and support it here. Thanks!

Happy birthday, Congressman John Lewis!

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Happy 79th birthday to friend, collaborator, and hero, John Lewis!

Help honor his lifelong commitment to justice and equality by staying loud, keeping up the pressure, and working together to make real the revolutionary promise of the Beloved Community.

We can do it. And we must.

Our world can only change when we make it happen.

Michigan signings, Feb. 22-23

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If you’re in Michigan or northern Ohio, I’ll be slangin books at these two upcoming events:

Friday, February 22nd in Ann Arbor, at Vault Of Midnight (219 S. Main St.), 7-9 pm. Here’s the FB event page.

Saturday, February 23rd in East Lansing, at the MSU Comics Forum (MSU Main Library, 3rd Floor, 366 W. Circle Dr.), 10:30am-5:30pm. Brilliant cartoonist friend Carolyn Nowak will be hanging at my table too— her book Girl Town is one of the very best comics of 2018!

Spread the word— thanks! See you there.

COME AGAIN on NPR's Best Books of 2018 list!

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I’m thrilled to find Come Again on NPR’s Best Books of 2018 list, alongside great work by buds Cecil Castellucci, Marley Zarcone, Vera Brosgol, Lisa Hanawalt, Eleanor Davis, Ben Passmore, Jose Villarrubia, Ngozi Ukazu, Magdelene Visaggio, and more— go comics!

Here are the most direct ways to find Come Again:
* Top Shelf

* Your local bookstore
* Your local comics shop

* Directly from me

* Amazon, if you must

Thanks for supporting the medium of comics, everyone!

Miami Book Fair this weekend!


See you this weekend at Miami Book Fair— my last comics event of the year!

I’ll be discussing Come Again on two panels, each at 3pm in the MAGIC screening room (300 NE Second Ave., Building 8, 1st Floor):

Saturday is “Beasts Of Our Own Making” w/ Dean Haspiel & Jonathan Ames!

Sunday is “Pretty On The Outside: Village Secrets In Fiction” w/ David Small & Maggie Thrash!

Signings are immediately after the panels— see you there!

CXC this weekend!


Columbus, Ohio— see you this weekend (September 29-30) for Cartoon Crossroads Columbus at the Metropolitan Library (96 S. Grant)!

I’ll be at table 36, with copies of my new book Come Again, a few copies of the “rare-in-the-US” Spanish March omnibus, and most of my older work as well.

Saturday at 3:15 I’ll be on the “Drawing Injustice: Activism & Artistry” panel in the Carnegie Room.

See you there!

Brooklyn & SPX signings this weekend!

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Come join me for a few ill-timed East Coast events, in the middle of a giant hurricane!

  • Thursday, Sept. 13th— I’ll be in Brooklyn, doing a talk/signing for my new book Come Again7pm at Desert Island (540 Metropolitan Ave.), as a part of Brooklyn Book Fest!

  • Saturday-Sunday, Sept. 15-16th— I’ll be slangin books at the Top Shelf booth at the Small Press Expo in North Bethesda, MD! My official signing schedule is Saturday 11-2 and 4-6, then Sunday 12-1 and 2-5:30. I’ll also be on the “Look Back And Laugh: Youth And Autobiography” panel Sunday 1-2pm in the White Flint Auditorium.

See you there!

COME AGAIN talks/signings this week in California & Indiana!

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I have several upcoming talks and signings for Come Again later this week:

Wednesday, August 15th, I'll be doing two events at Comix Experience (305 Divisadero) in San Francisco! A public signing there from 6-7:30pm, followed by a discussion/Q&A/signing with the Comix Experience Graphic Novel Club at 8pm.

Thursday, August 16th, I'll be doing a talk/Q&A/signing at Wow Cool in Cupertino, CA (21607B Stevens Creek Blvd.) from 7-9pm.

Saturday, August 18th, I'm having a book-release signing for Come Again at my local comic shop Vintage Phoenix (114 E. 6th) in Bloomington IN from 2-4pm!

Thanks, everyone, for all the support and engagement so far-- see you there!

Arkansas & Chicago signings/talks in early August!

I'm turning 40 years old tomorrow, and hitting the road for my new graphic novel Come Again-- first up, my home state of Arkansas! Come to any of these events if you can:

* Friday, August 3rd-- Fayetteville Public Library, Fayetteville AR. I'll be doing a slideshow talk about Come Again, March, and my general path through comics at 1pm, followed by a loose workshop for independently motivated/interested artists and storytellers. Nightbird Books will have books available for sale at the library.

* Friday, August 3rd-- Nightbird Books (205 W. Dickson St.), Fayetteville AR-- I'll be doing a signing from 7-9pm.

* Saturday, August 4th-- The Comic Book Store (9307 Treasure Hill Rd.), Little Rock AR-- I'll be signing from 2-4pm.

* Saturday, August 4th-- Zine Night, Vino's (923 W. 7th), Little Rock AR-- I'll be selling books and hanging out from 7-10pm.

And if you're in the Chicago area:

* Thursday, August 9th-- Quimby's, (1854 W. North Ave.) Chicago IL-- I'll be doing a slideshow talk, Q&A, and signing at 7pm.

See you there!

Here are some recent interviews and podcast discussions I've done about both Come Again and March:


Comics Alternative

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (4 Minutes, 4 Questions)

Arkansas Times Rock Candy Podcast

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (main feature)

Publishers Weekly

Aaaaaaaand here are recent reviews of Come Again in Publishers Weekly (starred review), The Comics Journal, and Arkansas Times.

More info and dates soon-- stay tuned!

COME AGAIN debut this week at San Diego Comic Con

I'll be at Top Shelf/IDW's booth (#2743) all weekend at Comic-Con International in San Diego, CA for the debut of my new graphic novel, Come Again.

Here's my schedule-- in general, come find me at the Top Shelf booth, Thursday-Sunday:

* Thursday, 7/19: signing at Top Shelf booth #2743, 1-2:30pm and 4-6pm.

* Friday, 7/20: "The Human Condition: Connecting Humanity With Graphic Novels" panel w/ TBA. 1-2pm, Room 23ABC.

* Friday, 7/20: signing at IDW booth #2743, 5-6pm.

* Saturday, 7/21: signing at IDW booth #2743, 1-2pm.

* Saturday, 7/21: signing w/ Andrew Aydin at CBLDF booth #1918, 2-3pm.

* Saturday, 7/21: I'll be the keynote speaker at the CBLDF's live art auction-- with an original MARCH piece up for sale too! Hilton Bayfront, Sapphire AB, 8pm.

* Sunday, 7/22: signing at IDW booth #2743, 1-2pm.

COME AGAIN is here!

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Head over to your local comic book shop today-- Come Again is here from Top Shelf/IDW!

I'll be at San Diego Comic Con next week for its big debut, and it'll be available in bookstores/online August 7th. Check out my events page for tons of travels, signings, talks, and conventions for the rest of the year.

Direct mailorders are ongoing-- my copies of the books didn't arrive until last Friday, so I'm getting them shipped off as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience!


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