If you're in the
DC/Maryland area, come to America's best comics show this weekend-- the
Small Press Expo (Bethesda North Marriott, 5701 Marinelli Rd., North Bethesda MD)!
I'll be selling books,
limited edition prints, and
original artwork at
Table F1, and will also be signing
March alongside my collaborators
John Lewis & Andrew Aydin at
Top Shelf's table
(W64-67) on Saturday. Here's my schedule:
11 am- noon: signing w/ John Lewis & Andrew Aydin at Top Shelf booth
1-2 pm: March panel/interview w/ JL & AA, moderated by Alex Dueben
2-4 pm: signing w/ John Lewis & Andrew Aydin at Top Shelf booth
** all other times, I'll be at Table F1.
SUNDAY 9/15:
12-6 pm: slangin books at Table F1.
While you're there, be sure to check out the talents of
Farel Dalrymple, Dash Shaw, Katie Skelly, Ed Piskor, Tom Neely, Jim Rugg, Lisa Hanawalt, Alec Longstreth, Dave Roman, Raina Telgemeier, Frank Santoro, Jeff Smith, Jess Fink, Noah Van Sciver, Roby Newton, Scott Campbell, Tom Hart, and many more amazing creators!
The full list of creators/exhibitors is
See you then!