THE YEAR OF THE BEASTS is a YALSA Readers' Choice nominee & a review at Shelf Awareness

I'm pleased to pass along word that Cecil Castellucci's and my hybrid graphic novel The Year Of The Beasts is a YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) Readers' Choice nominee

Here's a sweet new review of the book at Shelf Awareness too.

"Yet there is redemption in this page-turning tale, and an acceptance that feelings alone cannot determine humans' fates."

Group exhibit at The Owlery in Bloomington!

I'll have some original artwork on display/for sale in a group exhibit at The Owlery (118 W. 6th Street) in Bloomington IN-- the show is in conjunction with this weekend's Plan-It-X Fest, and 15% of the artwork sales will go to benefit Mother Hubbard's Cupboard (an essential public food pantry).

My stuff will be alongside works by Erin Tobey, Ryan Woods, Matt Tobey, Sean Mahan, Chris Clavin, Izzy Jarvis, Megan March Mink, Rich Diem, Emily Timm, Alan Crenshaw, and Rebecca Redman.

The show's opening will be Friday, June 22nd from 11pm-1am, and will remain up until August. The Facebook event page is here.

See you there!

Chicago Alternative Comics Expo-- June 16-17!

Chicago folks, I'll be at CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo) this Saturday and Sunday from 11-6, at Columbia College (1104 S. Wabash). Come find me at Table 38-- I'll have tons of books and original artwork for sale.

Also be sure to check out the comics wizardry of Gabby Schulz, John Porcellino, Anders Nilsen, Mike Taylor, Lilli Carre, Jeffrey Brown, Paul Hornschemeier, Lisa Hanawalt, Laura Park, Grant Reynolds, Kevin Cannon, Sam Hiti, Kevin Huizenga, Jesse Jacobs, Hellen Jo, Caroline Paquita, Jim Rugg, Mickey Zacchilli, and tons more, all exhibiting at the show!

BLOOMINGTON-- in-store signing/ book release at Vintage Phoenix Comics!

If you live in Bloomington IN, I'll be doing a signing/ book release throwdown at Vintage Phoenix Comics (114 E. 6th St.) on Friday, June 15th from 7-9pm! This will be in conjunction with the year's release of Sweet Tooth #34, The Year Of The Beasts, and The Silence Of Our Friends.

Snacks? Check. Drinks? Check.

Original artwork will also be for sale. See you there!

The Facebook event is here.

THE YEAR OF THE BEASTS mailorders now shipping!

The Year Of The Beasts, my new hybrid novel/graphic novel written by Cecil Castellucci, will hit shelves everywhere on May 22nd, but I'm officially shipping out signed copies now! It's $17 ppd. in the US (write me for international shipping info).

Order your copy from me HERE and I'll get it sent out pronto.

Also, I've expanded my Combo Pack: for $45 (in the US) you can choose any 3 full-length books-- The Year Of The Beasts, The Silence Of Our Friends, Any Empire, Swallow Me Whole, Sounds Of Your Name, and for an extra $5 I'll throw in Edible Secrets as well. Just include which books you'd like in your ordering text. Thanks!

(Here's Cecil and I at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival last weekend.)

May 20th-- Discussion & Signing in Durham NC for Comics Fest!

This Sunday, May 20th in Durham NC, I'll be doing a presentation/discussion (with the hilarious title "Surrealism and Civil Rights: The Graphic Novels Of Nate Powell") with Q&A and book signing from 2:30- 4 pm at the Southwest Regional Library (3605 Shannon Rd.), as a part of that weekend's Durham Comics Fest. Come out if you can!

Also, that weekend Chapel Hill NC will be hosting the Savage Weekend noise/experimental music fest at Nightlight. The Body, Humanbeast, and Bloodhuff will be playing, as will literally dozens of other bands and "bands".

See you there!

Illustration in FLUKE #10, out now!

I did an illustration (and a variant cover) for the new issue of Fluke zine, hot off the presses! It features interviews with Burt Taggart (The Big Cats, Max Recordings, Chino Horde, Five-0), Emily's Army (Billy Joe Armstrong's teenage son's band), Mystic Knights of the Cobra, Anna Joy Springer (Blatz/ Gr'ups), and more. 

Fluke is a punk zine started in my hometown of North Little Rock in 1991 by Matthew Thompson, Steve Schmidt, and Jason White, and is carried on today by Matthew in his home of Tucson, AZ. Order issues here. Thanks!

In Stumptown Highlights via the Portland Mercury!

Headed to Portland later today-- in the meantime, Jeff Lemire and I were both featured in this "Stumptown Highlights" article from the Portland Mercury. I'll be at table A7, and also be sure to check out Top Shelf, Farel Dalrymple, Mike Allred, Theo Ellsworth, Nicole Georges, Joseph Lambert, Emi Lenox, Tugboat Press, Tom Neely, Sara Varon, Angie Wang, and tons more talented cartoonists while you're there.

See you this weekend!

Stumptown Comics Fest in Portland this weekend!

If you're in the Pacific Northwest, I'll see you at Portland's own Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend (April 28-29). It's at the Oregon Convention Center (Saturday 10-6, Sunday 12-6). I'll be holding down the fort at Table A7, selling books and original artwork.

On Saturday from 12-12:45 pm, come to a panel discussion in Room B114 with Jeff Lemire and me, and hear what's new and upcoming with each of our works (including our imminent collaboration on Sweet Tooth #34, out in early June!).