Baby Time!

After a superhuman effort, the amazing Rachel gave birth to our little baby, Harper Powell-- December 5th at 8:59 pm. Let's hear it for the future!

Guest book reviews at Robot 6!

I just did some guest book reviews for Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources:

Master Of Reality by John Darnielle,
From The Graveyard Of The Arousal Industry by Justin Pearson,
Big Questions by Anders Nilsen,
and Americus by MK Reed and Jonathan Hill.


last week's discussion at the United Nations!

Here's a link for a run-down of a discussion I participated in at the United Nations last week, in conjunction with the release of What You Wish For, a YA anthology to benefit library construction in refugee camps for people displaced from Darfur. I was fortunate enough to be there with my fellow contributors R.L. Stine, Ann M. Martin, Sofia Quintero, Jeanne Duprau, Karen Hesse, and Marilyn Nelson, with Cornelia Funke and Meg Cabot participating via Skype.

Afterwards, we did a Q&A and signing at Books Of Wonder. The whole day was phenomenal! Thanks everyone for coming out.

Get a book and help this great fundraising project out at

Exhibition at THE FEST 10 in Gainesville FL this month!

If you're headed down to Florida at the end of October, gaggles of punk bands will be playing in Gainesville's own Fest! My artwork will be part of a group exhibition at Display (439 S. Main Street), alongside the talented Erin Tobey, Sean Mahan, Adee Roberson, and many more.

The show runs from Thursday, Oct. 27 through Sunday, October 30th, and is curated by Edie Snyder and Samantha Jones.

Opening Party: Thursday Oct. 27th, from 7-11pm featuring DJ CURBCUT and CAVE RAVE.
Art Walk:  Friday Oct. 28th, from 6-11pm.

The exhibition is open to the public throughout the weekend from 1-9pm.
Come out, peep some art, snack, and buy some artwork if you can!