May and June goings-on*

All right, time for a long-overdue update.

I drew the cover for We Will Bury You #2 by Brea Grant and Zane Grant, and published by IDW-- it's been in stores for a few weeks now, and I have copies available for $4 ppd. (the store will be updated "soon", but for now just email me about it if you're interested.)

I'll be drawing the comic-book portion of the forthcoming Year Of The Beasts, written by Cecil Castellucci and published by Roaring Brook Press. But don't expect that baby until 2012.

The Silence Of Our Friends is a little over halfway done, and Any Empire is nearing the end of its editing phase. I've gotten a head start on some of the inks and it's really exciting.

Here are some upcoming signings and stuff:

* Wed May 19 @ G-Mart Comics in Champaign IL from 2-6 pm.
* Sat May 22 @ Summit City Con in Fort Wayne IN.

* Jul 22-25 @ Comic Con International in San Diego CA (at the Top Shelf table!).

oh! To boot, my band Universe will be touring the South in the summer, and will have copies of our new CD, Passenger. Here are the dates (details soon):

* Wed 6/23 Bloomington IN @ Greek's Pizza w/ Andrew Jackson Jihad and to-be-named superband.
* Thurs 6/24 Louisville KY @ TBA w/ Andrew Jackson Jihad + more TBA.
* Fri 6/25 Cairo IL @ Ace of Cups w/ Andrew Jackson Jihad + more TBA.
* Sat 6/26 Little Rock AR @ Juanita's w/ Iron Tongue and Zucura. All Ages, $3!
* Sun 6/27 New Orleans LA @ TBA.
* Mon 6/28 Pensacola FL @ TBA.
* Tue 6/29 Tallahassee FL @ TBA.
* Wed 6/30 Gainesville FL @ TBA.
* Thurs 7/1 St. Augustine FL @ TBA.
* Fri 7/2 Atlanta GA @ TBA.
* Sat 7/3 Athens GA @ TBA.
* Sun 7/4 Chattanooga TN @ Sluggo's w/ TBA.

up and running again!

Hello! After a little time in carbonite, everything's back. Thanks as always to Erin Tobey and Nate Wilson for their swift techno-assistance! There's plenty of stuff on the horizon, so I'll be getting everything else updated pretty soon.

spring update fool!

Hey everybody!

At long last, Papercutter #12 is out, featuring "The Uncomfortable Gaze of Carlos Santana" by Rachel Bormann and I! I'll be getting copies here in a few days-- check the store for updates.

If you're in New York City this spring, I have a 7-page sequence from Swallow Me Whole in the NeoIntegrity show coinciding with the MoCCA Festival. The opening is Friday, March 26th from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art, 594 Broadway in Manhattan.

I recently did some illustrations for Fluke #8 by O.G. Little Rock native Matthew Thompson-- copies are $4 postpaid from me or from Matthew. This'll be added to the store soon too!

Universe will be playing quite a few shows in April-- here are the rough dates:

*Thurs 4/15 Ft. Wayne IN @ TBA
*Fri 4/16 Lansing IL @ Nnamdi's house w/ Paramedics
*Sat 4/17 Chicago IL @ TBA w/ Warboner + more
*Sun 4/18 Minneapolis MN @ The Cabbage Patch
*Mon 4/19 Madison WI @ TBA
*Fri 4/23 Louisville KY @ TBA w/ Mountain Asleep + more
*Sat 4/24 Columbus OH @ Legion of Doom w/ Mountain Asleep
*Sun 4/25 Cincinatti OH @ Bike Haus w/ Mountain Asleep
(updates soon!)

UNIVERSE LP recording sesh/ upcoming shows.

Hey everybody! Universe, the band I'm in, just finished recording an LP tentatively called Passenger. It was done with the wizardry of Mike Bridavsky at Russian Recording here in Bloomington. We'll be mixing in early March, and then I'll post a song-- the LP should be out by June, hopefully. More info soon!

Here are some shows we're playing:

Thurs Feb 25--
Bloomington IN, The Bishop (123 S. Walnut) w/ Pink Houses, Full Sun, and Dead Dog. Benefit show for The Collaboration Room. 8pm, $5.

Sun Feb 28
-- Bloomington IN, The Bishop again. a benefit for some kinda art program within IU. don't ask me. show time. $5.

Sun March 7--
Bloomington IN, The Fort (15th and Woodburn) w/ Little Lungs, Vera Maleta, Moscow Moscow Moscow. 8pm, $5.


A brand new French translation of Swallow Me Whole is out now from Casterman. If anyone in North America is interested, I have a handful of copies that are $15 ppd. in the US, or $$20 ppd. to Canada-- just email me and let me know! Thanks.

Next week I'll be doing some signings in Paris and Toulouse, then heading for the gargantuan Angouleme comics festival in Angouleme, France, where I'll be signing at the Casterman table. I'll try to update signing info soon..

Sacramento bound!

Hey, if you're in Northern Cali, I'll be at the Indy Euphoria Comic Con on January 9-10! The show is at the Scottish Rite Center (6151 H Street), from 10-7 on Saturday, and 10-6 on Sunday. See you there!


Here's some footage of Providence worm wizards/ undifferentiated hunks of flesh Humanbeast (Maralie Armstrong and Eli Monster, formerly of Soophie Nun Squad and Tem Eyos Ki, best friends and muppet-family) performing last weekend in Brooklyn.

upcoming UNIVERSE shows!

Here are three shows UNIVERSE is playing in the next week, all with our new bassist/violinist Jacqui Cornetta! See you there!

Sat, Dec. 5th-- Bloomington IN @ Rhino's w/ In The Face Of War, Applecore. 8pm, $5.
Tues, Dec. 8th-- Louisville KY @ Skull Alley w/ Where We Live, Birds And Wires, Caution Critters. 7pm, $5.
Wed, Dec. 9th-- Bloomington IN @ Greek's Pizza w/ Learner Dancer, Birds And Wires. 9pm, $5.

Cometbus #53 out now!

I did the cover art for Cometbus #53, which just arrived in the mail today! They're available from me for $3 ppd-- you can paypal me at, and the webstore will be updated soon as well.
I also have some 2-color posters of the cover, which are $1 if you'd like em.

Universe show on Wednesday!

My band Universe is playing a show at Uncle Fester's on Wednesday, November 18th with Ludlow Lions and You're A Liar. Unfortunately, it's a shitty bar show and it's 21+. Hopefully this will be the only time I'll ever play a 21+ show. Come if you wanna stand in a sad social environment!

back from Lucca!

Thanks to all the wonderful folks I befriended in Italy, especially everyone at Lizard Books. It feels so good to build good relationships over such a short period of time and such a vast distance. I hope to return soon!

Here's a quick video clip of a little sketch I did over the weekend.

PORTAMI VIA available now!

There are exactly four copies of this book in the US for sale, and I've got 'em. If you're interested, they're just $15 to my paypal address at, and I'll ship it right out to you. (I still have one lonely copy of the book in Spanish too, if you're looking for it; it's also $15.)

Italy bound!

* I'll be in Lucca, Italy for the Lucca Comics and Games Festival next weekend (October 29-November 1st), signing copies of Portami Via (the Italian translation of Swallow Me Whole, published by Lizard)! I believe I also have some kinda interview/discussion and some live drawing on the 1st at 1:00 pm, if you're around. And in Italy. See you there?

* The Your Heart Breaks/ Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive To Death 7" is available now, from Don't Stop Believin' Records, or $5 ppd. to me-- paypal orders to It should be added to the store section of this site pretty soon too.

* I just finished a two-color cover for Cometbus #53, which will be out in about three weeks!

* I'll also be doing some illustrations for Fluke #8, featuring an interview/feature on Dogtown stalwart Alan Short. Alan was an early and powerful creative force behind the comics Mike Lierly, Nathan Wilson, and I did in the late '80's and early '90's, and has been a member of the Arkansas bands Seahag, Deadbird, Zucura, Soophie Nun Squad, Them of Delphi, Ridin' Dudes, and Entrance (among many others). It'll be available by the end of the year.

* I'll be doing the cover of We Will Bury You #2 by Zane and Brea Grant, published by IDW.

* If you live on the west coast, I'll be a guest at a con in Sacramento CA on January 9-10. More info soon! See you there!

* My band Universe is working our way through writing an LP to be recorded in the winter-- no other info yet on this puppy.

*Still workin' away at two new graphic novels-- I'm about 35 pages done with the 200-page book The Silence Of Our Friends (to be released February 2012 on First Second), and am feverishly editing, revising, and tweaking the finished pencils of my 250-page graphic novel Any Empire (to be released in 2011 on Top Shelf).

Ignatz win!

I just returned from the legendary SPX in Maryland, where I am honored to announce I received the Ignatz Award for Outstanding Artist! Thanks so much, fellow comic book folk. As always, I left SPX feeling energized about the comics community, and ready to tackle some new and exciting work.