Signal Boost: "BUT I LIVE" survivor anthology out next week!

I highly recommend a new book out next week: But I Live: Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust (New Jewish Press/ University of Toronto Press), a graphic memoir anthology featuring cartoonists’ accounts of first-person Holocaust survivor experiences based on interviews and research.

Cartoonists featured are the amazing Barbara Yelin (Irmina), Gilad Seliktar, and my good friend & remote studio-mate Miriam Libicki (whose comics essay collection Toward A Hot Jew is a must, and keep an eye out for her upcoming book Glasnost Kids).

My blurb: “But I Live is an essential document. Libicki, Yelin, and Seliktar masterfully use the unique narrative strengths of comics to convey survivors’ experiences with sensitivity and humanity, allowing readers to experience and understand these personal accounts with appropriate empathy and urgency.”

You can order But I Live directly from the publisher, at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or please order from your local comics shop or independent bookstore. Thanks!

Signal boost: new comics essay by Miriam Libicki, and lots of work to check out!


Just published: here’s a solid new historical comics-essay about the history of Soviet Jewish migration by my good friend and contemporary Miriam Libicki, who’s been an underrecognized torchbearer of the modern comics essay form since about 2005, and whose work has been a big influence on my own approach over the past decade!


Miriam is currently working on an opus entitled Glasnost Kids, which will be out next year from Fantagraphics— don’t miss it! In the meantime, pick up her essay collection Toward A Hot Jew, her Nib comic “Who Gets Called An Unfit Mother?”, and her new essay about the Israeli nuclear missile program in The Nib’s new “Secrets” issue.
