Lynd Ward, the invention of the graphic novel, Five-O & 'FALL THROUGH'
Here’s a little dive into imagery throughout Fall Through (out next Tuesday!):
A major reference point that binds Fall Through is the stellar work of Lynd Ward, who arguably invented the graphic novel in 1929 (four years before the invention of the comic book!).
His expressionist visions strike me on a primal level, and the haunted looks of Diana & showgoers as they experience transcendent moments of gravity are a direct nod to a panel in Madman’s Drum (1930).
Diamond Mine’s interdimensional skips are indicated by the falling star in Song Without Words (1936).
In a profound coincidence, years ago I realized that the artwork used for Little Rock band Five-O’s “Fall Through” 7” was Lynd Ward’s work from both Madman’s Drum and Wild Pilgrimage (1932).