My new graphic novel The Silence Of Our Friends will hit stores next week, but I'm taking direct orders NOW, and they'll ship out to you in the next few days! Copies are $17 ppd. in the US (international orders, please email me and I'll send you a total)-- order HERE or at the link on the right.

I've also added a new Combo Pack-- order any 3 of my bigger books (The Silence Of Our Friends, Any Empire, Swallow Me Whole, Sounds Of Your Name, or Edible Secrets) for just $45! Just be sure to specify which books in the order.


SF: Original art exhibit for THE SILENCE OF OUR FRIENDS at Mission Comics!

BAY AREA FOLKS! I'll have original pages for The Silence Of Our Friends on exhibit at Mission Comics & Art (3520 20th St. Suite B, San Francisco CA 94110) from January 12- February 11th. All pieces are available for purchase too (as are any other pages in the book-- just contact me at

The Silence Of Our Friends will hit shelves on January 17th, and we'll be doing a series of events, discussions, and signings in Seattle, the Bay Area, Texas, and DC throughout the month of February (including one at Mission Comics on Feb. 10th-- more info soon!). I'll have more details for all these in the coming weeks!

The Facebook event page is here.

Baby Time!

After a superhuman effort, the amazing Rachel gave birth to our little baby, Harper Powell-- December 5th at 8:59 pm. Let's hear it for the future!