This Saturday-- Evansville, Indiana!

If you live anywhere between St. Louis and Columbus, Chicago and Nashville, come to Evansville, Indiana this Saturday for the Museum Geek & Comic Con! It’s a great, small, varied show in a fantastic venue (411 SE Riverside Drive), and I’ll be there selling books from 11am-5pm.

Here’s the Museum Con’s FB page for more info.

At 2:30pm, cartoonist extraordinaire Chris Schweizer and I will be doing a panel together, talking about our work— see you there!

This is my first comic con in 3 years, so I have a bunch of backed-up stock to sell— for this fall, I think I’ll be offering all 3 pandemic releases (Two Dead, Save It For Later, and Run) together for $50, and all individual books will be $20 or under!