New comic-about-comics at Booklist (and a downloadable PDF!)

I have a new one-page comic in the American Library Association’s Booklist Guide to Graphic Novels in Libraries, specifically outlining the many unique strengths (and one important vulnerability) of comics as a medium/language/format— it’s crucial that educators, library workers, creators, journalists, and comics-readers become familiar with how best to describe the value of comics in light of organized far-right campaigns of book challenges, bans, and intimidation of educators and library workers.

Comics are on the forefront of this push to control who has access to information, history, perspectives, and experiences outside a predominantly white, straight, fake-Christian patriarchal identity.

You can download a PDF version of the comic here! Please feel free to print out and distribute.

I’m currently in discussions with ALA about making an official poster of this comic for distribution in schools and libraries— more info as that develops.