Starred review for SAVE IT FOR LATER at Booklist!

SAVE IT FOR LATER final cover.jpg

It’s an honor to find a starred review for Save It For Later over at ALA Booklist!

“Much of this work feels like visual poetry: the line-by-line sentences mirrored by stacked horizontal panels that become image-stanzas; spare, nuanced colors punctuated by fearsome splashes of aggression and encompassed by expressionistic darkness… This is a deeply personal, deeply partisan book, distinctly not a call for national unity… A virtuoso work of artistry with important content that might alienate some but powerfully stir others.”

Save It For Later will be out April 6th from Abrams ComicArts— go here for more info and multiple ordering options.

If you’d like to pre-order signed/sketched copies of Save It For Later, do it here— thanks!