Nate Powell

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New essay about making 'LIES MY TEACHER TOLD ME' up at Lit Hub

I’ve got a new essay up at Lit Hub about my process and considerations in adapting James Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me, as well as the book’s decades-long relationship to the moment we’re caught in today as we defend our democracy from reality-averse book-ban movements. Thanks for reading!

You can order signed & sketched copies of Lies My Teacher Told Me directly from me here.

If you’ll be at San Diego Comic Con this coming weekend, I’ll be discussing this book and Save It For Later on the “Nonfiction Comics” panel Saturday, July 27th at 2:30pm in Room 10, with a signing immediately afterward at Silver Sprocket booth 1718, and another signing Sunday 11:00am-1:00pm at Autograph Area table 10. See you there!