Nate Powell

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fall updates!

ah yes! finally, i've transitioned to some proper hippie-shit corduroys (and as i write this at work, a six-inch hole just ripped out of my pants-ass while i knelt to help someone get dressed! my only pants, too! at least that forsaken Nausea patch can finally be of some use..) good bye shorts, goodbye sunburned's only a matter of time before the hoodie gets its proper welcome to the autumn. pumpkin-flavored everything!

*finalized signing/tabling dates for the fall:

Fri 9/26: gallery opening at Sweet Hickory, Bloomington IN. 7pm.
Sat 10/4-5: Small Press Expo , North Bethesda MD (debut for Swallow Me Whole)
Mon 10/6: HBML Junk Shop (420 Pleasant St.), Worcester MA. 4-8pm.
Tue 10/7: Ada Books,
Providence RI. 7pm.
Wed 10/8: Million Year Picnic, Cambridge MA. 5-7:30pm.
Thurs 10/9: Giant Robot, New York NY.
Fri 10/10: Rocketship Comics, Brooklyn NY.
Fri 10/17: Boxcar Books, Bloomington IN.
Sat 10/18: Quimby's, Chicago IL. 7pm.
Sat 10/25: Floating World, Portland OR.
Sun 10/26: Seattle Comicard convention
(hangin with Yu-Gi-Oh! fans) , Seattle WA. 10am-5pm. (more info soon!)
Wed 10/29: Comic Relief, Berkeley CA. 5-7pm.
Sat 11/1-2: Alternative Press Expo, San Francisco CA.
Sat 11/1: signing and unexplainable live drawing performance at Isotope, San Francisco CA. 8pm-12am! APE afterparty blowout! Brett Warnock mixin poisons!
Tue 11/11: Comics & More, Savannah GA.
Wed 11/12: Oxford Comics (2855 Piedmont Rd. NE), Atlanta GA.
Thurs 11/13: Bizarro Comics, Athens GA. 3-6pm.
Sat 11/22: Vintage Phoenix, Bloomington IN.
Fri 11/28: Collector's Edition, North Little Rock AR. 12-3pm.

see you thurr!

*Next week I'm screen-printing (with the technical and logistical aid of my feathered friends Crystal and Kieth) some posters for Swallow Me Whole. I'll get the design up soon, and there'll be some available to order as well, if you're interested!

*On my fall travels I'll have a small-print run of a few comics stories: the comic is called Cakewalk, and the title story is written by one Rachel Bormann (this story will be featured in our forthcoming comics collection..). There's another story in there that's an interpretive version of the Pretty Girls Make Graves song "The Get-Away." I'll also have a few copies of this available for mailorder to boot!

*I'm working on a bunch of illustrations for Michael Hoerger's forthcoming book Edible Secrets, due out next year from Microcosm Publishing! The book covers a hidden history of covert CIA and executive operations filtered through the context of food. Bizarre, shocking, hilarious, and terrifying.

*The forthcoming Top Shelf book formerly known as Voglio Capirlo is now Any Empire. It'll likely be finished at the end of 2009, and released in the latter half of 2010.